Provide Messages to Employees During Clock Ins and Outs With AI Time Clock for UKG
Want to provide custom messages to employees whenever they clock in or out? Easily keep employees informed with CloudApper AI...
UKG HCM users can easily provide companywide announcements using custom employee time capture devices with the CloudApper AI TimeClock -...
There are several benefits of choosing iPads as Kronos/UKG time clocks for warehousing companies - find out what they are...
Improving workforce management processes is crucial for any given organization - learn about some practices that can help UKG users...
Unauthorized employee punching can have several consequences for organizations - learn what they are and how CloudApper hrPad can help...
CloudApper hrPad for UKG Ready can help set up time restrictions between employee punches to prevent payroll discrepancies, errors in...
Learn the importance of recording employee work hours and break times and how attestations using CloudApper hrPad can be used...
Find out how to associate time clock punches to specific cost centers in UKG Ready and how AI-powered solutions like...
Want to help employees cancel requested PTOs for UKG Ready? Find out how both the CloudApper hrPad solution and time...