For years, many organizations have relied on the efficiency of the UKG Workforce Central (WFC) system to streamline their workforce management processes. From tracking time and attendance to managing absences, processing payroll, and handling various other workforce management tasks, UKG WFC has been a trusted ally. However, the recent announcement by UKG that it would discontinue support for WFC after December 31, 2025, and retire On-Premise Workforce Central (WFC) on March 31, 2027, has left businesses at a crossroads. With this pivotal shift in workforce management, organizations are seeking a seamless transition to a reliable alternative. CloudApper AI TimeClock is a solution designed to elevate workforce management while ensuring a smooth migration from the old clock to an AI-powered timekeeping system.

For more information on CloudApper AI TimeClock visit our page here.

The UKG WFC Dilemma

The decision to retire UKG Workforce Central has left many organizations in a complex situation. They now need to find a robust replacement that not only matches the capabilities of their old system but also offers new and innovative features. One key concern is ensuring a hassle-free migration process without significant disruptions to their workforce management workflows. This is where CloudApper AI TimeClock steps in as a compelling solution.

Seamless Integration with UKG 

One of the standout features of CloudApper AI TimeClock is its seamless integration with UKG Dimensions, Pro, and Ready. This integration ensures that organizations can smoothly transition from their existing UKG WFC system to CloudApper AI TimeClock without data loss or workflow interruptions. The transition process is simplified, making it easier for HR and IT teams to adapt to the new system.

Affordability and Accessibility


Cost considerations are always a significant factor when making technology transitions. CloudApper AI TimeClock provides an affordable alternative for organizations looking to replace their UKG WFC system. The beauty of this solution is its versatility – organizations can leverage existing Android or iOS-based tablets and transform them into smart time clocks. This eliminates the need for costly hardware investments, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.


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Self-Service Functionalities

CloudApper AI TimeClock offers an array of self-service functionalities that empower employees and reduces the administrative burden on HR departments.

Punch Submission

Employees can securely submit work hours using various methods, including face biometric matching, QR/barcode scanning, or a confidential PIN code. This ensures not only a seamless experience but also enhances data security.

View Schedule

Employees gain complete visibility into their schedules, including shifts, start times, and break periods. This empowers them to plan their activities more efficiently.

View Timecard

CloudApper AI TimeClock allows employees to review their timecards in real-time. This fosters transparency and ensures accuracy in time tracking.

Accrual Balance

Managing accrued time off is simplified, ensuring accurate record-keeping and transparency for employees and management.

PTO Requests

Employees can conveniently request time off directly through the system. This streamlines the approval process and ensures proper documentation of leave requests.

Tip Submission

For businesses in the hospitality industry, tips are a vital part of employee compensation. CloudApper AI TimeClock seamlessly stores and timestamps tip data, integrating it with payroll systems for comprehensive reporting.

The Transition to a Brighter Future

As the retirement date of UKG Workforce Central approaches, organizations need to make strategic decisions about their workforce management systems. CloudApper AI TimeClock offers a lifeline, providing a smooth, cost-effective, user-friendly, and feature-rich transition path. With its self-service functionalities, seamless integration with UKG solutions, and affordability, CloudApper AI TimeClock ensures that organizations don’t just replace their old time clock – they elevate their entire workforce management experience. The future of workforce management is bright with CloudApper AI TimeClock, where innovation and efficiency converge to meet the needs of the modern workplace.