As a UKG (Kronos) customer, you understand the importance of a reliable and efficient time clock system. However, the cost and lack of customization options associated with basic time clocks can be prohibitive for many organizations. This is where CloudApper, a trusted long-term partner of UKG (Kronos), comes in. By integrating CloudApper with the UKG (Kronos) solution, you can leverage the power of tablet-based time clock solutions that are cost-effective and highly customizable to meet your organization’s unique requirements. In this article, we will explore the benefits and features of CloudApper’s tablet-based reasonable time clock solution for UKG (Kronos)customers.

For more information on CloudApper AI TimeClock for UKG visit our page here.

  • CloudApper offers a tablet-based time clock solution that integrates with UKG (Kronos), allowing the use of any Android or iOS device for punch-in and punch-out functionality.
  • CloudApper empowers employees with self-service capabilities, enabling easy punch submission, schedule viewing, timecard and accrual balance checking, and PTO and shift cover requests.
  • CloudApper’s platform allows customization to fit an organization’s specific requirements, enhancing overall efficiency by integrating seamlessly with existing processes.
  • CloudApper provides a cost-effective solution with significant savings compared to traditional UKG (Kronos) time clocks, making advanced time tracking accessible to small and medium-sized businesses.

UKG (Kronos) InTouch DX Time Clock 

UKG InTouch DX is known for its limited customization options. Many organizations find it challenging to justify the expense of these time clocks, especially when they have specific requirements that cannot be easily accommodated by the standard offerings of UKG’s InTouch DX. Customization options, if available, are often accompanied by hefty price tags, making them unaffordable for smaller businesses. Also, mounting those clocks in different facilities can be a burden too. This creates a need for a more flexible and cost-effective alternative.

iOS & Andriod Based Time Clock for UKG (Kronos)

CloudApper offers an innovative tablet-based time clock solution that seamlessly integrates with the UKG (Kronos) solution utilizes any Android or iOS device for easy punch-in and punch-out functionality. By leveraging CloudApper’s platform, you can unlock a world of possibilities in time tracking while staying within your budget.


Empowering Employees with Self-Service Capabilities

CloudApper goes beyond simple time tracking by empowering employees with self-service capabilities. With CloudApper’s user-friendly interface, employees can easily submit their punches with just a few taps from any Android or iOS device. No more struggling with outdated time clocks or paper timesheets! The app also allows employees to conveniently view their schedule, ensuring they never miss a shift and can plan their day effectively. Checking timecards and accrual balances is a breeze with CloudApper, providing employees with real-time insights into their hours worked and time-off balances. Need to request time off? The app makes it simple and hassle-free, enabling employees to submit PTO requests easily. Additionally, if employees ever need to request a shift cover, the app streamlines the process, making it convenient. 

SMS Based Employee Self-Service (ESS) Solution for UKG

Customization to Fit Your Organization’s Needs

One of the key advantages of CloudApper’s tablet-based time clock solution is its ability to be customized to meet your organization’s specific requirements. CloudApper’s intuitive platform allows you to tailor the time-tracking process, data capture forms, and reporting features to align with your unique workflows. This level of customization ensures that the time clock solution seamlessly integrates with your existing processes and enhances overall efficiency.


AI TimeClock for UKG

Charitable Organization Chose Time Capture Solution for UKG

Cost-Effective Solution with UKG (Kronos) Integration

By choosing CloudApper as your affordable time clock solution, you benefit from its robust features and enjoy significant cost savings compared to UKG (Kronos) InTouch clocks. CloudApper offers a more accessible pricing structure that allows small and medium-sized businesses to leverage the power of advanced time tracking without breaking the bank. This affordability, combined with the seamless integration with UKG (Kronos), makes CloudApper the ideal choice for organizations seeking an affordable and customizable time clock solution.

Almost half (49 percent) of US employees and 62 percent of Canadian employees who track time admit to time theft. In the US, this costs employers more than $11 billion a year.


CloudApper’s tablet-based affordable time clock solution for UKG (Kronos) customers offers a cost-effective time clock solution. By integrating CloudApper with UKG, your organization can simplify time tracking, empower employees with self-service capabilities, and achieve greater efficiency. Say goodbye to expensive and inflexible time clocks and embrace the future of time tracking with CloudApper’s innovative solution tailored for UKG users. Contact us today to embrace robust solutions that can fit your business needs.


Q1: How does CloudApper’s tablet-based time clock compare to UKG InTouch DX?
A1: CloudApper’s solution offers greater flexibility, customization, and cost savings compared to UKG InTouch DX. While InTouch DX is limited in customization and can be expensive, CloudApper provides a more affordable and customizable alternative that integrates seamlessly with UKG (Kronos).

Q2: What devices can be used with CloudApper’s time clock solution?
A2: CloudApper’s time clock solution is compatible with any Android or iOS device, turning them into fully functional time clocks for punch-in/out and other employee self-service functions.

Q3: Can CloudApper’s time clock solution be customized?
A3: Yes, CloudApper allows for extensive customization, including tailoring time tracking processes, data capture forms, and reporting features to fit your organization’s unique workflows.

Q4: Is CloudApper’s time clock solution suitable for small and medium-sized businesses?
A4: Absolutely. CloudApper offers an affordable pricing structure that makes advanced time tracking accessible to small and medium-sized businesses, providing a cost-effective alternative to traditional UKG InTouch DX clocks.

Q5: How does CloudApper integrate with UKG (Kronos) systems?
A5: CloudApper integrates seamlessly with UKG (Kronos) systems, ensuring that time tracking data is accurately and efficiently managed within your existing HCM platform.