Service accounts are frequently utilized in the administration of an organization’s data and resources, particularly when APIs are involved. Presently, we shall provide you with an instructional manual on how to establish a service account in Ready, an essential prerequisite for smooth integration and enhanced control over your system.

Step 1: Login to Ready

Log into your Ready account to get started. Upon successfully logging in, proceed to the Company Setup or Global Setup section, which matches the configuration of your system.

Step 2: Edit Tabs

Locate and select the “Edit Tabs” option from the Global Setup or Company Setup menu. This will enable you to optimize the usability of your login configuration.

Edit Tabs Step 3: Add Service Accounts Panel

Locate the option to add panels to the Login Config tab within the Edit Tabs section. Proceed with the configuration by selecting the “Service Accounts” panel. This process ensures that the login page provides convenient access to the management of service accounts.

Add Service Accounts PanelStep 4: Add a Service Account

Once the Service Accounts panel has been configured, selecting it will display the available options. Click “Add Service Account” to commence the process of creating a service account.

 Add a Service Account

Step 5: Populate Account Details

You must enter mandatory information for the new service account in the “Add Service Account” pop-up. Input the identifier that you wish to associate with your API User. To authorize users to make changes, select the “Edit” option.

Populate Account Details
Step 6: Assign Permissions

Ensure that the service account is allocated to the suitable user group, such as “all employees.” Additionally, ensure that the service account has access to the Company Administrator (or another appropriate role depending on the use case) in order to grant it the essential functionalities required for effective administration.

Step 7: Save Changes

Click “Save” to complete the configuration once the service account details have been entered and the necessary permissions have been assigned. Your service account is currently prepared to optimize API interactions and augment the functionality of your system.

*Pro Tip: Converting an Existing Account to a Service Account*

To transform an existing account into a service account, merely execute the procedures delineated earlier. When prompted to “Add Service Account,” input the existing account’s username. The following procedures remain unaltered, enabling a smooth and uninterrupted conversion from a personal account to a service account.