Open shifts are essential for scheduling employees because they act as stand-ins for shifts that must be covered. This guide offers detailed instructions on efficiently viewing, creating, and managing open shifts using various techniques.

Viewing Open Shifts

  • Navigate to the Schedule Planner:
    • Main Menu > Schedule > Select the applicable Schedule Planner.
  • Ensure Visibility of Open Shifts:
    • Confirm that open shifts appear on the Schedule Planner page.
  • Show Open Shifts Option:
    • If necessary, enable the option to show open shifts in the schedule.
      • Select Show/Hide in the toolbar.
      • Check the Open Shifts box.
      • Select Apply.
  • Total Open Shifts:
    • The total number of open shifts for the viewing time period appears in the Open Shifts row.
  • Expanded View:
    • Expand the Open Shifts list to view and manage open shifts effectively.
  • Job Representation:
    • Jobs with open shifts are represented as separate rows beneath the Open Shifts header row.

Creating Open Shifts with All Options

  • Navigate to the Schedule Planner:
    • Main Menu > Schedule > Select the applicable Schedule Planner.
  • Expand Open Shifts:
    • On the Open Shifts row, right-click a date cell in the schedule.
  • Access Add Shift Slider:
    • In the shift glance, select “Add Shift.”
    • Confirm “Unassigned” in the Employee Name field.
  • Enter Shift Details:
    • Enter Start Time and End Time.
    • Select Transfer to choose the transfer details.
    • Add Business Structure and select the required job.
    • Select Ok.
  • Apply Changes:
    • Click Apply and then Save to create the open shift.

Creating Open Shifts in Table View

  • Navigate to the Schedule Planner:
    • Main Menu > Schedule > Select the applicable Schedule Planner.
  • Access Table View:
    • Select Table View from the Schedule Planner page.
  • Expand Open Shifts:
    • Expand the Open Shifts area.
  • Manual Entry:
    • Select a cell in the job row and enter:
    • The name of a shift template or
    • Start and End time separated by a hyphen (e.g., 8a-4p).
  • Save Changes:
    • Click Save to add the open shift manually.

Creating Open Shifts from a Template

  • Navigate to the Schedule Planner:
    • Main Menu > Schedule > Select the applicable Schedule Planner.
  • Expand Open Shifts:
    • Expand the Open Shifts area.
  • Quick Action for Shift Templates:
    • Select Quick Actions.
    • Choose Insert Shift Template.
  • Select Template:
    • Choose the applicable shift template from the list.
  • Create Open Shifts:
    • In the job row, select date cells to create open shifts.
  • Stop Quick Actions:
    • Select Quick Actions again to stop creating open shifts.
  • Save Changes:
    • Click Save to finalize the addition of open shifts.By following these detailed steps, you can efficiently manage open shifts, ensuring your schedule meets coverage needs and remains flexible to changes.