To Manage Labor Drivers in the Labor Forecast, and to Add or Edit them:

  • Navigate to the Forecast Planner in the Workforce Planning section of the Main Menu.
  • Choose “Labor” from the Labor/Volume drop-down list.
  • Select the forecast week and location if necessary.
  • Click on “Add Labor Drivers” in the Actions Bar.
  • In the Add Labor Drivers slider, confirm the location and select the application method (Apply to Whole Week or View Individual Days).
  • Choose the labor driver type and input the labor amount.
  • Save your changes.

To View Labor Driver Data in the Labor Forecast:

Navigate to the Forecast Planner in the Workforce Planning section of the Main Menu.

  • Select “Manage Factors” from the Actions Bar.
  • In the Manage Forecast Factors slider, choose “Add New Forecast Factor.”
  • Select “Custom Labor Driver” from the Forecast Factor drop-down list.
  • Choose the specific labor driver and week.
  • Save your changes and apply them.

The Forecast Planner will display the custom labor in a separate row.