One can generate chart tiles within a Dataview to visualize the data graphically according to their need. To accomplish this, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Dataviews and Reports > Dataview Library and select the desired Dataview.
  • Within the Dataview, click on Charts.
  • Click on the Tile Library icon.
  • Within the Tile Library, click on the Add Chart icon.
  • In the Create Chart panel, choose the appropriate Chart Type icon.
  • In the Select Data section:

   – Choose a Category.

  – Select a Metric.

   – Specify a Values Calculation.

   – Optionally, toggle Yes in the Limit Data section to constrain the view to a subset of values.

   – Select a Range.

   – Specify the number of Values to display.

   – Opt to Group Remaining Values as “Other”.

  • In the Display Options section:

   – Provide a Title for the chart.

   – Choose the Items to Display.

   – Customize chart Colors as desired.

Finally, click Save to save the chart configuration.