Pay code distribution rules outline the method for compensating employees for time worked outside their regular hours, determined by combination rules.

Access the Pay Code Distribution section by navigating to Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Pay Code Distributions.

Provide the following details in the Pay Code Distribution editor:

  • Name
  • Combination Rule: Choose the combination rule associated with this pay code distribution from the dropdown menu.
  • Pay Code Distribution Table: This table showcases the overtime, zones, schedule deviations, and pay codes outlined in the combination rule for this distribution. Check the boxes in one or more cells, then opt for one of the following actions:
    • Edit Pay Codes: Modify the pay codes listed in the distribution table.
    • Copy Pay Codes: Duplicate pay codes from one section of the table to another.

Filtering Components:

If your pay code distribution list is extensive, you might find it necessary to utilize the Filter Components feature to streamline the information displayed in the editor.

To customize the display, you can filter the components visible in the pay code distribution table. This can be achieved by accessing the Filter Components option on the Pay Code Distributions page.

Components listed under Selected Items will be shown in the table. To filter out a component from the table, simply move it to the Available Items list.