For the Retail industry, where customer satisfaction reigns supreme, one of the biggest US chains, serving millions of customers annually with over 300 employees, exemplifies the spirit of continuous improvement. But even for a retail giant, a hidden enemy lurked – excessive employee overtime.

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  • A major US retail chain faced issues with excessive employee overtime due to an inadequate timekeeping system.
  • CloudApper’s AI TimeClock for UKG/Kronos, using iPads with barcode or QR code functionality, provided a touchless attendance recording solution.
  • The AI TimeClock streamlined time tracking, eliminating manual errors and promoting hygiene and safety during the pandemic.
  • The intelligent overtime notification system alerted employees in real-time as they neared overtime thresholds, allowing proactive schedule adjustments.
  • The implementation resulted in a 95% reduction in employee overtime, significant cost savings, and more efficient payroll processing.

Their initial timekeeping system lacked the sophistication to track and manage overtime effectively. This resulted in a double whammy – unnecessary employee fatigue and payroll errors due to unaccounted overtime hours. Managing accurate time data and ensuring compliance with overtime regulations for such a large workforce posed a significant challenge. They needed an affordable, secure solution and streamlined the entire time tracking process, especially regarding reducing employee overtime.


That’s where CloudApper’s AI TimeClock for UKG/Kronos stepped in. We proposed a solution that leveraged iPads equipped with our AI TimeClock, configured with barcode or QR code functionality for touchless attendance recording. This eliminated the need for physical contact, promoting hygiene and safety, especially during the pandemic.

The implementation of CloudApper’s AI TimeClock revolutionized their employee time tracking and overtime management. Here’s how:

  • Streamlined Time Tracking: Our AI TimeClock transformed iPads into user-friendly yet powerful timekeeping devices. Employees could clock in and out seamlessly, eliminating the risk of errors associated with manual timekeeping.


  • Automated Overtime Notifications: A key feature of CloudApper’s AI TimeClock is the intelligent overtime notification system. Employees received real-time alerts as they approached their designated overtime threshold. This empowered them to proactively adjust their schedules and tasks, preventing excessive overtime.
  • Customizable Workflows for Compliance: Staying compliant with state overtime laws is crucial for any retail business. CloudApper’s AI TimeClock offered the flexibility to configure custom workflows that adhered to specific state regulations. This ensured the company remained compliant while minimizing administrative burdens.


The results were astounding. By implementing CloudApper’s AI TimeClock, the retail giant achieved a staggering 95% reduction in employee overtime. This translated into a significant cost saving and a happier, less tired workforce. With accurate time data readily available, payroll processing became more efficient, eliminating errors and streamlining the entire process.


AI TimeClock for UKG

Charitable Organization Chose Time Capture Solution for UKG

CloudApper’s AI TimeClock with UKG/Kronos integration offers a powerful solution specifically designed for the needs of the retail industry. Its affordability, security, and feature-rich functionalities make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to reduce employee overtime, improve workforce management, and ensure compliance with labor laws. Contact CloudApper today to learn more about how our AI TimeClock for UKG/Kronos can help your business achieve similar success.